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Jennifer Lea C. Mustoe

An ongoing bloggish sort of document. Day by day the experience changes as it lingers.


I want to share the thrilling and remarkable experience I had in Boise on Sat, seeing Obama speak in Boise. My husband, my son, Caden (age 12) and I drove in snow, fog, and freezing weather, on a trip that should have taken 5.5 hours that ended up taking 8 hours. I got little sleep, got up in freezing snow, stood outside in same storm, and entered a stadium that seated 12000 people. They'd curtained off the back part, behind where Obama was going to stand, and as people began filing in, the stadium workers soon realized those curtains had to come down. By the time Obama came onto the stage, every seat was filled, another thousand was standing on the top tier behind the seats and another 1000 on the floor.
My cousin, Leslie, along with her husband, Dave, invited us to stay with them. NONE of us got much sleep the night before the rally. This made no difference to us at all. The shared experience alone strengthened the love we felt for family, and the commitment we felt in electing Obama for president. Our deepest thanks to Les and Dave for their wonderful hospitality.
Seeing Obama speak was electrifying. I laughed and cried. He addressed every concern and spoke to every population. My husband, a registered republican and a school teacher, felt Obama had the best plan to handle education for our students. Obama was positive except about one person, our current president, and his one comment on that was that there were so many reasons to hope, but one big one was: George W. Bush's name would NOT be on the ballot!
I was committed to Obama for president before seeing him speak. I am now dedicated and sure this is The Person who can bring this nation together. While other candidates, both Dem and Repub, bash the other party, Obama spoke of wanting to cross party lines to heal the nation, to bring us hope, after so many years of hopelessness. He defended his idea of hope, though he's been criticized for it.
I have made some good choices in my life. In my top ten list of things I've done that have changed my life for the better, on this list would be driving to Boise, in spite of all the weather issues, to go see Barack Obama speak. Now more than ever, I can say without a doubt, he needs to lead our nation. I felt the Spirit so strong in that room; it truly was a spiritual experience.

Thank you and God bless.


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